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Teaching Your Dog the Place Command Part 2

Writer's picture: Lexi BrileyLexi Briley

Hello and welcome to Expert Dog Training!

First and foremost, all dogs are welcome here at Expert Dog Training. We take pride in training a wide variety of dogs from emotional support, obedience, tricks, agility, scent work, and even aggression.

Today's blog is a follow up to “Teaching Your Dog the Place Command”

If you haven't read it yet, you can check it out here:

If you have a dog that has never been taught to hold a place command with any distractions at all, here’s how you start:

  1. Put your dog in a down on their place.

  2. Before you move, always say "place" as a reminder of what they're supposed to do.

  3. Take small steps side to side.

  4. Be sure to still hold their leash so they don't break the command.

  5. Once they hold it, you can break the command, showing them they're not going to have to hold the command forever.

If your dog is too nervous or excited to hold a place like this, here's another way:

  1. Put them in a sit instead of a down.

  2. Place your hand on their head while you do it, showing them you're not going anywhere.

  3. Once they hold a place with your hand on them, start moving side to side.

  4. Then move your hand, break them, and start over!


👉 When first practicing distance while in a place, you never want to turn around and walk away from your dog, because they'll want to follow you if they're not trained to hold a command with distance or distractions yet. Set your dog up for success!

👉 If you start to see your dog getting uncomfortable, break your dog from the command before they break the command themselves.

You always want to start with a win!

👉 If you ever get frustrated with this exercise or any training exercise, STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Frustration causes miscommunication. Make sure your dog has a positive association with the command you're teaching them!

👉 Once your dog gets really good with the place command, you can start adding distractions in, such as jumping, running, noises, throwing a ball or their favorite toy, etc...

👉 Remember, every dog is different! You'll have dogs that can hold place longer than others, ones with longer attention spans, ones that are nervous, ones that are confident, and so on! You’re going to have to assess your dog and start where your dog is at.

I hope you enjoyed this blog!

Before you go!

If you or someone you know is looking for a dog that is:


⭐️ ALTERED (Spayed/Neutered)


Check out our website to see the amazing rescue dogs we currently have available for adoption. We love doing this because it gives these dogs a second chance at life and for you to have a companion of a lifetime!

Not only do we rescue and love dogs from unfavorable situations, we also feed homeless dogs. Financially, we cannot accomplish this on our own. So, we need YOUR help. Here's how you can support Expert Dog Training in giving these pups a second chance at life:

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Feel free to give us at call at (214)480-4806!

Thank you again for your time.

Be blessed!

~Brandi Cunningham

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