Hello and welcome to Expert Dog Training!
First and foremost, all dogs are welcome here at Expert Dog Training. We take pride in training a wide variety of dogs from emotional support, obedience, tricks, agility, scent work, and even aggression.

In today's blog, I’m going to give you a few tips on
teaching your dog to come the first time they are called!
Tip #1 - Practice not using your dog’s name every time you say commands.
Be aware of the language that you're using with your dog. For example, try not to say “Lydia, down,” or “Lydia, sit.” If you just use their name when you mean “come.” Then they will associate every time you say, “come” with their name, instead of hearing their name all throughout the day in normal conversation. If you use their name with every command, they're going to be less cognizant of when you use their name with the word “come.”
Tip #2 - "Come" should be done the first time you ask.
This is really about safety! Obedience commands such as “come,” “sit,” “down,” “heal,” and even “off” have to do with obedience. I recommend you to wean your dog off using treats for obedience commands or not using them at all. Still make it fun and use positive reinforcement, but it is a command that they need to do regardless of whether or not you have a treat. Someday you could be in an emergency situation and not have a treat on you, and you want to be confident your dog will come to you when you first ask.
Tip #3 - Start where you live.
Where you live is where your dog is most familiar, comfortable, and most used to all the stimulants. That way they can really focus on what you're asking them to do, versus all of the things around them.
Tip #4 - Always start your dog on a leash.
It doesn't matter how long the lead is, as long as it's long enough so they have enough room to go away from you so you can practice calling them back.
Tip #5 - The very instant you say “come” and they don't, start gently pulling their leash.
Pulling their leash will tell them that this is what you want them to do every time you say “come.” When they come to you, praise them the whole time so they know this is what they're supposed to do. Repeat this a few times, letting them go and bringing them back.
I recommend you teach other obedience commands before you teach "come." Otherwise, your dog will just come and then go because they don't know what to do. It's nice to teach to come to a front, to a down, to a sit - something that engages the dog.
Tip #6 - Once they get the command spot-on in your home, you can try other places!
Whenever you're going to a new place, make sure you're building upon the level of distraction you were at last. For example, you don't want to go right from your home to Petsmart. Instead, start in your backyard, go to the front yard. From there, you could go to a familiar park or somewhere like Lowes.
If your dog is distracted by others dogs, animals, cars, etc. you'll want to lessen these distractions and really work through them. It's always okay to go back a step.
Remember, your dog has emotions, a personality, a soul, and a life of their own. It's not our job to control them and make them push past something that's overwhelming to them. Think about when you're stressed, it's harder to listen when under stress.
I really hope this helps you!
Before you go!
If you or someone you know is looking for a dog that is
⭐️ ALTERED (Spayed/Neutered)
Check out our website www.experttraining.org to see the amazing rescue dogs we currently have available for adoption. We love doing this because it gives these dogs a second chance at life and for you to have a companion of a lifetime!
Not only do we rescue dogs from unfavorable situations, we also feed homeless dogs. Financially, we cannot accomplish this on our own. So, we need YOUR help. Here's how you can support Expert Dog Training in giving these pups a second chance at life:
A one time donation OR you can
Become a monthly partner at www.ExpertTraining.org
Feel free to give us at call at (214)480-4806!
Thank you again for your time.
Be blessed!
~Brandi Cunningham
Brandi did an excellent job with my tiny Biewer Terrier. In just 6 days my puppy (5 mos old) learned to place, come, sit with distance, heel on leash and off. Brandi even came to my home to train with me in our own environment. Now I have the knowledge and the tools to reinforce the training for my little one. I’m truly impressed and highly recommend Expert Dog Training.